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Join us for an opportunity to learn more about the Boston University Off-Campus Master of Social Work (MSW) Program at the Cape Cod campus! This event will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 9:30 - 11:00 AM ET.

Members of the Off-Campus Program staff, Admissions & Financial Aid department, faculty, and current students will all be on hand to answer your questions. These admissions information sessions are your chance to get to know a little more about BUSSW and your possible future in our program!


Cape Cod Community College
2240 Iyannough Rd
West Barnstable, MA 02668

If you would like to request accommodations to participate, please let us know at busswad@bu.edu. Registration is required to attend, please register below to secure your spot!

[{"id":"2504405","eventID":"22931","date":"2024-10-26","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-08-15 20:36:13","updatedAt":"2024-08-15 20:36:13","times":[{"id":"14121756","dateID":"2504405","start":"9:30am","end":"11:00am","max":"15","maxGuests":"15","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-08-15 20:36:13"}]}]

Feel free to use your preferred name.

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